May 4, 2021
Query to Resolution in Minutes with Teckro
This is the story of how research staff on a phase Ii science study used Tetreault to get immediate guidance to make a time sensitive decision about a study participant in just a few minutes. The team got real time guidance to protect the patient safety in compliance with the protocol. Here's how it went. It started with the study coordinator who immediately found the protocol instructions from his mobile phone with tech research.
But the principal investigator needed further guidance for the specific patient situation. So the study coordinator used tech world connect to get clarification from study experts. He typed the initial question to start the conversation with the group on the other side. Specific medical monitors were assigned to this group.
They've been trained on tech, reconnect and knew how to respond quickly when they were alerted of new conversations. Because of this study, experts are essentially always on standby for site personnel. In this case, 4 minutes later, one of the medical monitors responded back. But it doesn't stop there.
The research team had further clarifications. This continued with more questions. When the study coordinator confirmed, they were clear on how to proceed. Then anyone in the group could mark it resolved.
And it can be exported for inclusion in the TMF in less than 15 minutes. This research team made the right decision swiftly, with guidance from study experts, patient safety, risk management. They are improved when research personnel have immediate access to the study protocol and a direct line to study experts. Email us at demo at tech Broadcom to see for yourself.