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March 24, 2020

Supporting Your Clinical Trials Without Interruption During COVID-19 Crisis

A letter from our CEO to Teckro customers

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Gary Hughes

Gary Hughes

CEO & Co-Founder


I would like to assure all of our clients that Teckro is well prepared to support your clinical trials, in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I understand that you are challenged with restricted movement of CRAs and patients, and that research staff are under pressure to treat those afflicted with the coronavirus (COVID-19). You can rest assured that Teckro will do everything in our power to support your trials without interruption. Whether you have protocol amendments, need to change user access, or have users who need support from our helpdesk, our staff will be available.

At Teckro, we have reviewed our existing pandemic plan, and we are updating as necessary. Like everyone, we are closely monitoring advice from local health and government authorities in all of the countries where we have staff. We have a dedicated task force that meets daily to plan and assign actions and to keep senior leadership current on any developments.

As with many businesses, we have taken the precaution to suspend all non-essential travel. Our global staff are working remotely from their homes until April 10, at which point we will reassess the situation. To preserve business continuity, we have core teams identified as well as second-in-command personnel for major functions, should the need arise.

From a product standpoint, Teckro software is built on a hybrid infrastructure between top-tier Equinix data center and AWS. Our Equinix-based infrastructure is fully redundant on each layer starting from power, connectivity, and throughout the application and database layers. Our AWS-based infrastructure is deployed across three availability zones for high redundancy. Teckro has robust DR procedures to allow a move from Equinix to AWS as required, which is tested on a regular basis.

This is a global crisis that knows no boundaries of nations, races or beliefs. United as one, we will overcome this situation. I hope that you, your families and your employees stay in good health. If there is anything I or my staff can do to help you at this time, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,